
Sunday, October 7, 2012

the beauty of shunning

i look at it like this: at least the amish have the balls to draw a line in the sand. 

i also look at it like this: we have the balls to draw a line in the sand, too, but we do it in the reverse way that the amish do it. the amish shun people if they break too many rules. we, on the other hand, "shun" you if you don't break enough. to wit:

if you don't support gay marriage, you're "shunned." 

if you don't support abortion, you're "shunned."

if you define a family as a mom, a dad, and a kid, you're "shunned."

if you go to a traditional Christian church, you're "shunned."

with the amish, if you don't do the right thing, you're shunned. with the "english" (what the amish call anyone who isn't amish), you're shunned if you do.

shunned if you don't, shunned if you do.

and we call the amish backward.