
Saturday, October 27, 2012

you say you want a REVOLUTION?!

i think it's time to break this country into two. you go your way, the rest of us will go ours. why not?

the divide between those on the right and those on the left is, in my view, beyond repair. bipartisan schmartisan. it's time to face facts: our world views, beginning even with what constitutes life, for the love of God, are so divergent as to never be bridged.

people on my side think we are going to go over the cliff. i think we have gone over the cliff.

so, what happens when things go over the cliff? we start over. that's what.

let's start with agreeing to divorce. (we could try a dissolution but hell, that'd never work.) so, let's divorce. you line up your peeps on your side and we'll line up our peeps on our side and we'll duke it out - over everything. (hell, that'll be easy.....that's what we're doin' anyway!)

we'll fight and argue and negotiate over territory. who gets what. we'll fight and argue and negotiate over money. who gets what. etc. etc.

we'll finally figure out where the Traditional United States of America will be and where the Progressive Un-United States of America will be.

and by the way......we get minnesota. i love snow.