
Sunday, February 6, 2011

would YOU wanna listen to somebody's boring confession? i know i wouldn't.

of all the things about a priest's job that are difficult, i think having to listen to some stupid parishoner's long list of boring sins has to be the worst. i mean, who cares if you cussed at a traffic light?

whenever i see a kid go into the confessional, i'm like, that poor, poor priest. he's gotta hear a bunch of crap about how the kid pulled his sister's hair and stole her diary. i mean, come on.........if you were a priest, wouldn't you rather just go somewhere and have a beer?

i don't know how priests sit still through it all. they must not have ADHD.

maybe it's a requirement that priests can't have ADHD and if they do, they have to confess it and they can't be priests. i mean, it would make sense, right? how can you have ADHD and sit through confession?

i don't know about you, but i can't think of too many worse ways to spend a couple of hours than listening to some moron tell you that he argued with his boss, yelled at his wife, played solitaire at work, lied on his facebook profile, and shorted the collection plate 5 bucks. if i were a priest, i'd be like, can't anybody commit a good murder or two?

i mean, really. if you were a priest, wouldn't you sorta be secretly hoping that at least one or two of your parishoners would fall seriously short of the glory? i mean, you wouldn't want too many of them to fall short - cuz that would make you look bad - but come mean to tell me that you really and truly wouldn't one or two of them to kill somebody? i know i would.

it's a real bind, i tell ya. on the one hand, you're supposed to want everybody to get to heaven and on the other, you're bored outa your mind.

i think the not having sex part would be cake compared to this.