
Sunday, June 10, 2012

the unbearable sweetness of 3-year olds

the twins are at a wonderful age. 3-and-a-half sure beats 16-and-a-half any day.

they truly are almost unbearably adorable. everything they think, everything they say, and even most of everything they do is worth cataloging.

i am told on almost a non-stop basis that i am loved, and they don't always use their eyes when they say it. sometimes - a lot of times - they use their words.

speaking of words (that's funny - speaking of words), these are the two that i hear the most from olivia: "watch me!" 

"watch me!" is almost always followed by some sort of acrobatic or dance gyration that almost always includes me seeing her underwear. 

charlie's two favorite words when i'm around are, "hey, gam....." and he says it kinda like how beaver cleaver used to say it to wally......."hey, waaaaally......"

charlie's a boy and olivia's a girl. no, i mean, seriously. you don't have to pull down their pants to know. charlie is all zoom, zoom, zoom and olivia is all, well, olivia is all "watch me!" as she twirls and spins in ballerina dresses and everything pink.

but charlie's a little bit girl, too. like when he puts his arms around my neck and nuzzles me. if he's just eaten peanut butter, it's even better.

and olivia? well, i guess she's a little bit boy. last night she told me that when she and charlie grow up and charlie's a farmer (his newest craze) that she's gonna be a tractor. so there ya go.

but don't go too fast. don't let it zoom, zoom, zoom past me in a blue-pink blur.

well, too late. it already is.