
Thursday, August 30, 2012

clear pond

my friend just painted her bathroom "clear pond." it takes a coat of primer plus two coats of paint with the primer already in it to paint your bathroom "clear pond." 

nuttin' clear about that.

on the other hand, it makes total sense. we have mucked up everything in life, not just paint. things that used to be inarguably clear have been covered up with layers and layers of arguments that make as much sense as priming a wall to paint it with paint that has primer in it. 

take life itself, for instance. 

i remember back when you'd ask where babies came from and the answer, though sometimes, depending on the embarrassment level of the person being asked, may have lacked perfect biological correctness, never ever once returned  the question with, "what do you mean by a baby? do you mean a zygote or an embryo? or a fetus? how old of a fetus? was the woman using birth control and it failed or was she 18 and still had her college education to complete?"

i remember back when everyone knew what the definition of "is" is.

but, if we can't even agree on those two basic issues anymore - what's life and what's "is" -  then no wonder kate can't achieve her coveted "clear pond" without priming and then painting - twice - with paint that has primer.

depends on what you mean by "pond," i guess.

God what you mean by "clear.