
Saturday, August 18, 2012

tick me off why dontcha?

coupla things here right off the top of my head, y'all:

one. enough already with caring more about animals than about unborn children. my wise friend wisely pointed out that in this pantheistic (that's code for "screwed up") culture of ours, nothing is higher than anything else. so, whereas in milleniums past, God was at the top and then the angels and saints and then human beings and then animals and then non-living things, that we're all so damned smart.......nowadays, nothing trumps anything else. 

except that, it does. everything seems to trump everything that matters.

not that animals don't matter. don't go gettin' all PETA on me. 

but they don't matter more than people. or even as much. they just don't. and if you don't get that, well, look at how short my hair is. you're the reason i've pulled it all out.

two. i happen to own three animals. one dog and two cats. so there.

three. another friend, who is just as kind but clearly not nearly as wise as my other friend, posted this on facebook today: "do more of what makes you happy."

ima go pull (what's left of) my hair out now.