
Thursday, November 8, 2012

stifle, edith!

the message has been un.mis.tak.a.ble. - shut. the. hell. up.

beginning yesterday morning, posts all over my facebook have had the same message. some direct, some a bit more subtle, but all the same message - "i don't wanna hear one word about how you're upset that obama won. not one word."

look, i don't plan on bitching about it forever. frankly, i only planned on bitching about it - at least publically - for one day. one day! yesterday! for one lousy, stinkin' day, i wanted to be able to vent my feelings. was that asking too much? apparently so. and ironically, because so many people made it clear that they wanted all us republicans to move on already (in less than 24 hours,  mind you. in less than practically 12 hours!).....because so many people made that clear, the irony is, i am bitching about it into today. which, i swear to you, was not my original plan. it was not. i wanted one day to be unhappy and then i was gonna move on. but nobody would allow me to feel what i felt.

i just want you to know that i would never do that to you. i would never tell you to hurry up, quick, quick, quick, get over something that is traumatic to you. i would not.

i am soooooooooooo disappointed. 

and, least of all, in the election results.