
Sunday, March 13, 2011

dick van dyke on netflix on abby and eli's t.v. which i can NEVER figure out

i was watching old dick van dyke reruns at abby and eli's last night while i was babysitting. (no, i didn't raid their kitchen cabinets! no, i didn't talk on the phone! no, i didn't have my boyfriend over! no, i don't even have a boyfriend! no, i don't  want a boyfriend ! no boyfriends! never again! never, never, never again!)

anyway, so i was watching old dick van dyke reruns and lemme tell you.....dick van dyke certainly has grown up. he is now on netflix at the click of a button, which is pretty funny considering he still has a rotary dial phone in his kitchen - on. the. wall.

anyway, so dick van dyke certainly has grown up. well, no he hasn't. he's still acting like a clown and sally rogers still has that bow in her hair and mary tyler moore used to be really, really pretty. millie and jerry from next door still live next door and from what i can tell, jerry hasn't gotten any promotions or raises cuz millie is still wearing that same dress.

but, a way dick van dyke has grown up because he is now on netflix and you can get him at the click of a button. provided you know which button.

i know i promised never to yell about technology again but hello, i'm yelling about technology again. i hate technology!

every single time i babysit for abby and eli (sidebar here: am i babysitting for abby and eli or am i babysitting for the twins? either way, i ain't gettin' paid diddly!)

but anyway....... every single time i babysit for whomever (sidebar here: is it whomever or whoever? whom cares.).....every single time i babysit for whom/whoever, abby and eli gotta show me - yet again - how to work their t.v. i would take that very personally were it not for the fact that their other grammy - eli's mom - says she can't work their t.v. either - and she's smart. debbie says that when it's her turn to babysit, she doesn't even turn the t.v. on. cuz she doesn't know how. well, amen to that, sister.

but, i have to have a t.v. tutorial every single dang time i babysit over there and every single dang time, the tutorial doesn't help. it's always something. i swear to everything that is holy.......can't we just go back to the days of magnavox?

speaking of magnavox, rob and laura were in the market for a new t.v. last night which, right there, is pretty ironic, considering what i've been talking about.  so, ok, they go to the appliance store on hudson street and they're lookin' at all these rows and rows of televisions and they're trying to figure out which one to get and all the televisions are sorta starting to run together in their minds and they're having a helluva time figuring out what's what and which one to get.

i love the petries.......they hate technology, too.