
Sunday, March 20, 2011

do you do this, too?

man, i go to church, all set on focusing on our Lord's suffering, and whatta i do? i check out the chick's shoes in the pew next to me. if that's not a mortal sin, it should be -  and it probably is. the Catholic church doesn't miss a trick.

i try not to do stuff like that - i really do - but i swear to you.....if there's a single other soul in the church, he's/she's got my attention. is he balding? does she really think we don't know it's all gray under there?

the "pious" ones are the worst for detracting attention from piety. if you wanna get sidetracked from piety, check out the pious - their hang-dog expressions, their thumping of the's a show, i tell ya.

even the priests take away from the whole point, which is not the whole point. they keep scratching at their vestments which, who can blame them - you'd scratch, too, if you wore brocade that weighs 10 pounds and has seams that chafe. maybe if they made those things in the good old u.s. of a., they wouldn't chafe so much.

today was a really hard day for concentrating. the woman in front of me had dorothy hamill hair in the back and i-don't-know-what-kind-of-hair-in-the-front cuz she never turned around long enough for me to see. not even during the passing of peace which, come on now.

there was also a woman who had red mary janes on -  only they had a double strap instead of a single one and there was about a 1 inch heel to them. maybe halfa inch. i'm never very good at eye-ballin' stuff.

well, that's a lie. mortal sin number two.