
Thursday, March 17, 2011

looking awful in green

green is not my color. green makes me look, well, green.

green around the gills is not called green around the gills for nothin, people.

i'm not all that down with green, period. traditionally, it has been my least favorite color, although recently, i find that there are some shades of it that i like. in fact, i have quite a bit of green in my house (but i don't have a greenhouse).

speaking of greenhouses, i don't like those, either. the second you walk into one, you're half suffocated and your blouse is soaked. what the appeal of that is, i have no clue.

green has its place, i guess, but one place where green absolutely does not belong is on a car. i have never in my whole dysfunctional life ever seen a green car that looks good. never. there oughta be a law against green cars. instead, we're making more and more laws mandating green cars! (what's this freaking world coming to, anyway.)


here we are - st. patrick's day - and the world is suddenly awash in my least favorite color of

tomorrow it will go back to normal - all colors.

i'll like that a whole lot better.