
Friday, September 7, 2012


whatever you do, watch what you say. you don't want anyone accusing you of being "harsh."

as one of my friends recently pointed out, "harsh" is the new "intolerant." it is the worse intolerant. it's taking intolerant and saying, you know what? you don't even have to be full-on intolerant to be bad - you just have to be "harsh." if you're "harsh," (read: hurt my feelings), then death to you! (talk about your harsh.)

harsh schmarsh. Jesus Christ was pretty damned "harsh" on pretty damned many different occasions. what if someone turned over tables to-day? i shudder to think of the hue and cry.

the thing about harsh is, it's only harsh if you don't agree with it. if you do agree with it, it's "well put."

i can't wait till this damned election is over.